Praying with new converts in Yangon Burma

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Here we are nearing the end of our Fall Semester and commencing all the extra curricular activities as we approach Christmas and our brief Christmas break from classes. It has been a very exciting and fruitful time here at the College. Our students have worked and studied very intensely, they will have exams behind them and are culminating with various outreach activities and ministry in Sriracha & Pattaya in addition to being involved in jail ministry, skits & music as part of a festival program at our local Mall, singing carols in government, immigration and education offices to keep up a standard of good will with people in high places. We will also be in Bang Bo with the students on Christmas Day doing skits, drama and dance in the schools and community. Bang Bo is the area where Mark (fourth year student) has been developing a children's ministry over the past year. We have so many opportunities where organizations are asking for assistance from the ministry here. December 9 – 19 there is a big sports festival where we will have inquiry booths set up and a tremendous captive audience to share the gospel with as well as handing out tracts and ministry information. December 27 – 31 some of us will be speaking daily at a Boy Scouts camp with 400 kids there. The list goes on and on as we are building in God’s Kingdom here.

We also have a blend of ministry outreach with the students and get togethers for food and fellowship during the Christmas season here as well with our Thai Church and International Churches. Donna & I are having the staff and students (in excess of 40 people) come to our home on December 27 for a Christmas dinner celebration. Our place is small so we will be spilling out into the street, but our neighbours are very gracious.

It’s with great anticipation that we look forward to the New Year and the Winter/Spring Semester. We are presently struggling with trying to procure a Visa to go to Pakistan in January which is proving very difficult. We have former students there who against all odds and persecution have established churches and schools and are requesting us to come and be an encouragement to them and their peoples. We will be hosting a Ladies Conference here at our International Church the first week in February and an Asian Worship Conference the last week of February. In March we are scheduled to go to Myanmar with Dr. Al Purvis to give some leadership training to the many new converts there who show great potential to evangelize distinctive areas in that devastated country. Our former student John is doing a phenomenal work there among his own people.

We thank you for your faithfulness in standing with us and pray that you will have a truly blessed Christmas with family and friends, rejoicing in the reason He came.

Blessings, love and prayers . . .

Kenn & Donna

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the informative much happening! Praying for you.


About Us

We have been keenly interested and supportive of missions all of our lives. We knew that the "mission" of Jesus' commission was to go and make disciple of all nations. When Dr. Alan Purvis invited us to join his team with World Ministry Foundation in Thailand, our hearts leapt within us when we realized that we would be encountering nine different nations in answering this call. We are in our sixth year, having served as Academic Dean of Students and houseparents at Victory Bible College International Thailand Campus for four years. We are now doing more hands on ministry in various areas in Asia to encourage our previous students and ministers, as well as reaching out to perspective candidates to study at our College. We also serve as hosts to our visiting instructors and the many guests who visit this ministry.

Praise Reports and Prayer Requests . . .

We are thankful for every opportunity we have to mentor and encourage those in the work of the Gospel in so many Asian nations. It is very fulfilling for us to see first hand the mighty hand of God bringing souls into His Kingdom in Asia.

Pray for our staff and students as we are entering the final month of intense studies prior to graduation ceremonies on Easter Sunday April 24.

Uphold us in prayer so that we might have stamina, wisdom and direction in all that we are involved in and need to do.

Remember to pray for our national leaders and followers in Pakistan, Nepal, India, Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Laos, Burma and Thailand.

How you can Help . . .

We are so blessed when you choose to join us in this mission with your finances. Without financial support we would not be able to do what we have been called to do effectively. God always uses people to accomplish His purposes, we encourage you to collaborate with God!

We know and believe that those who join with us with their prayers and resources share in the exact same blessings that are awaiting and abound to your account.

There are several ways that you can help us financially while we are in Asia.

You can...
- Send cheques
- Set up pre authorized debit
- Or even give online at:
*When you give online please send an email to specifying the contribution
that you made to "Haase Mission".

Cheques and inquiries about pre authorized debit can be sent to:
Dominion GateWay Center Church
450 - 31st Street North
Lethbridge, AB Canada T1H 3Z3
Phone: 403-380-7497


A&D World Missions
P.O. Box 32056
Edmonton, Alberta T6K 4C2

In whichever way you choose to help us please make sure to clearly indicate that the donation is meant for "Haase Mission".

And remember - all gifts are eligible for a tax receipt at the end of each year!

Thank you so very much! God bless you for blessing us.

Rainbow Children's home in Yangon

No new cars in Burma, most of them are of the 70's vintage and very expensive

Street cleaners in action

Banana market

Goat (?) meat market

A street scavenger

A common means of transportation, a peddle rickshaw. Ordinary bicycles and motorbikes are strictly forbidden on the streets

Burmise facial makeup, a smeared on off-white paste derived from a tree

One of the Seven Wonders of the world "The Shedagon Pagoda", built over 2500 years ago and is overlaid with 100 tons of pure gold in a land of severe poverty and ruthless military rule